Can you add shipping to Germany?

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Hey Luke, we'd love to ship internationally. Unfortunately, the shipping costs would exceed the costs of the book itself. If you have access to a U.S. address (friends, relatives, etc.) we'd be glad to ship you a copy of the book there for free.

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Can you please add shipping to the U.K.

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Thanks, Patrick. You can try to order using this link: https://buy.stripe.com/00geVO09Ia7o70k14f

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hello! This link is no longer active. How can I purchase from the UK?

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Hi Ada,

Unfortunately we're no longer shipping to the U.K. due to costs. We appreciate your interest, though!


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Thanks! Done!

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Why not just sell it through Amazon guys? Much simpler. Charge more, but go through the conventional channels, and you'll sell more :)

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Ordered and excited to read, I appreciate your efforts!

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good for you!

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