A 16th-Century E. Coli Genome: Codon Index #54
Plus: A light-controlled transcription factor activates genes 378-fold.
Mummy Bacteria
Giovanni d’Avalos was stressed. An inflamed gallbladder, riddled with gallstones caused by a chronic E. coli or Bacteroides infection, would soon cut his life short.
When d’Avalos died in 1586, at the age of 48, his body was carried and buried in the Abbey of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples, Italy. It would stay there for the next 400 years. Then, in 1983, action: Archaeologists and biologists swooped into the crypts and removed the bodies of some 30 Italian nobles, d’Avalos included. Their mummified remains were carried to the University of Pisa for scientists to poke and prod and study.
And there the mummies sat for the next 40 years. Nobody knew that d’Avalos had an E. coli infection — indeed, there were no physiological indicators — but somebody (perhaps George Long or Jennifer Klunk, two graduate students at McMaster University) had the bright idea to sequence pieces from d’Avalos’ gallstones.
Long and Klunk have now finished piecing together an ancient E. coli genome from those gallstones. They published their results in Communications Biology.
Assembling an ancient genome, like this one, is no small feat. The E. coli that once lived in d’Avalos had died and degraded over time. The bacterial DNA was contaminated, dirty, and fragmented. But the McMaster scientists persisted.
The final result: An E. coli genome with 4,446 genes, together with “two putative plasmids with 52 genes,” according to the study. The full genome has an estimated size of 4,050,429 base pairs. This is quite a bit smaller than the genome of the closely-related K-12 MG1655 strain, which is about 4.64 million base pairs in length.
This ancient bacterium had all the parts needed to build a type VI secretion system, a sort of nanomachine that, like a syringe, helps bacteria inject toxins into “enemy” cells. The d’Avalos bacteria had obtained these type VI parts from Klebsiella aerogenes. While the presence of this machine could imply that a bacterium is pathogenic, the researchers found no pathological genes or signs of antibiotic resistance. The bacterium, in other words, was not virulent.
This study says much about the bacteria that were growing inside of one Italian noble in one city in Italy in the 16th century. It says nothing about bacteria that may have been growing elsewhere in Europe at the time. And, because this study captures a single time point in the history of E. coli, it misses much in the way of how these bacteria evolved devices for opportunistic infections over the last 450 years.
This paper is a bit like shining a flashlight in an open field; much remains in the dark.
Read more at Communications Biology.
Light-Controlled Gene Activator
Nearly 20 years ago, Karl Deisseroth and others were the first to show that neurons engineered to carry channelrhodopsins, or opsins, could be synthetically stimulated to fire action potentials upon being bombarded with pulses of light. Opsin proteins (originally taken from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) embed along a cell’s surface and shift their shape when struck by photons; specifically, they form little pores that usher sodium ions into the cell and trigger an action potential.
Most “standard” opsin proteins sense blue light. But engineering opsins to instead detect red light would have many benefits: Red light penetrates deeply into tissue and has lower phototoxicity than blue light. Studies by Jesse Gray and Kelsey Tyssowski, at Harvard, have shown that simply shining blue light into the brain — even in the absence of any neural engineering — drastically alters the gene expression of neurons.
Now, a new study in Nature Biotechnology has created a red light-activatable photoswitch, called MagRed, that can be controlled by light deep in mammalian tissues. The MagRed protein is relatively simple: A red light-absorbing bacterial phytochrome protein was fused with an “Affibody” that can bind to other proteins.
When MagRed is struck by a photon of the appropriate wavelength, the phytochrome protein shifts in shape; the Affibody comes alive, links up with a target protein — such as Cre recombinase or a transcription factor — and carries out some task.
Researchers used MagRed to create a red light–activatable Cre recombinase that can inducibly trigger DNA recombination in the livers of mice. The red light stimulus is delivered by a 660 nanometer laser beam pushed against the side of each animal. The researchers also used MagRed to create a light-inducible transcriptional activation tool (tested on mammalian cells, in culture) that activated multiple target genes 378-fold.
This is a simple tool that will expand deep-tissue applications for optogenetics. Perhaps it could be used to stimulate insulin production in pancreatic beta cells or to guide the development of neuronal projections in developing animals, using lasers outside of those animals. Applications are always endless with a bit of imagination.
Read more at Nature Biotechnology.
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More soon,
— Niko // @NikoMcCarty // niko@newscience.org